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Speakeasy Media


Phone: 804-291-6853


My work combines mobility, technology, and storytelling - a combination that has given me a unique position among shared-use mobility professionals. I help get the right stories in the right form in front of the right audiences. When I'm not making up true stories about the world around me, I'm teaching others how through consulting, workshops, and online courses.

Where does Speakeasy Media operate?

This is a global company.

How does Speakeasy Media provide accessible adaptive equipment for persons with disabilities?

My services help vendors articulate how they provide accessible adaptive equipment. Audiences include their clients (e.g. local government) and the general public.

How does Speakeasy Media make its products or services equitable?

My services are available to organizations that wish to improve transportation systems and networks for all ages and abilities.

Media and Case Studies

My "invisible Chief Marketing Officer" services or storytelling strategy are private for the clients. My website includes my podcasts and blog posts that demonstrate my perspective and tone.


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