20 mph
Permit holder shall certify that all dockless motorized bicycles deployed are equipped with a speed governor that ensures the vehicle will not travel in excess of 20 miles per hour on level ground.
Operating Area Types:Public ROW permit, valid throughout District of Columbia; additional requirements in designated "Equity emphasis areas" that cover 17.41sqmi, or 25.48% of the district.
Areas Where Operation is Prohibited:Prohibited: on property that is not public right-of-way within the jurisdiction of the District
Permitted: 1. On a public sidewalk;
2. In the public right-of-way between the sidewalk and the curb; and
3. At a bike rack, if the bike rack is located in the public right-of-way but
somewhere other than a public sidewalk, or the public right-of-way
between the sidewalk and the curb.
Hub is a preferred parking location where the Permit Holder must offer
user incentives for parking locations. If a Permit Holder offers hubs, at least
one hub must be available in each of the 8 Wards of the District. A hub may
be geofenced. A hub may include physical parking infrastructure, signage, or
striping. If infrastructure is installed by the Permit Holder, the parking must
be company agnostic and the infrastructure must be permitted by DDOT
National Standard
Permit holder shall ensure each dockless vehicle is in working order, wellmaintained, and clean.Maximum fleet permitted per provider: 2,500
Permit holder may operate bicycles or motorized bicycles, the total of
which may not be less than 500 dockless vehicles. When the Permit holder
begins operations, no more than 2,500 bicycles or motorized bicycles, may be operated by the Permit holder. Requests by the Permit holder to operate
more than 2,500 vehicles will be evaluated semi-annually by DDOT, and
may be granted at DDOT’s discretion based on good performance during
the period prior to the evaluation and program need.
2. Adaptive dockless sharing vehicles shall not be counted in the maximum
number of vehicles allowed, provided that the Permit holder shall
submit specifications for any adaptive dockless sharing vehicles, and the
total number to be deployed, to DDOT for approval.
Type | Amount | Frequency |
Application | USD$ 75 | |
Per Vehicle | USD$ 60 | Annually |
Operating Permit | USD$ 250 | One-time |
An application fee of fifty dollars ($50) per permit; (b) A technology fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) per permit; (c) A fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for the initial permit to operate in the Public Right-of-Way Occupancy Permit; (d) A fee of one hundred dollars ($100) for each annual renewal of the permit to operate in the public right-of-way; (e) According to the month during which the dockless sharing vehicle will enter into operation in the District, a per vehicle fee of $60 if beginning in January, decreasing by $5 per vehicle each month (February $55 per vehicle fee; March $50, etc.).
Payment Method Requirements:
Required: cash and non-smartphone payment options; a low-income customer plan that waives any applicable vehicle deposit and offers an affordable cash payment option and unlimited trips under 30 minutes to any customer with an income level at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines; compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.
Fare Regulation:
Required: low-income customer plan that waives any applicable vehicle deposit and offers an affordable cash payment option and unlimited trips under 30 minutes to any customer with an income level at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines
Connection to Other Government Goals:
The District Department of Transportation encourages the safe and efficient movement of people through public space. These overarching goals are:
1. Sound Equipment Design: Allow only vehicles that are designed to be safely stored and function in public space.
2. Innovation: Successfully manage public space while encouraging permit holders to offer innovative solutions to problems, exceptional equipment, and smart education practices.
3. Safety: Support user safety through education, vehicle monitoring, and vehicle maintenance.
4. Accountability: Minimize adverse impact on residents and ensure transparency about operators’ strengths and weaknesses.
5. Equitable Access: Promote equity among vehicle users including geography and income
6. Sustainability: Strengthen sustainability initiatives.
7. Labor: Ensure that operators offer meaningful employment and enough labor to be accountable and safe, and provide equitable access.
8. Data: Ensure the provision of data sufficient to monitor the performance of individual operators and the program as a whole, and to plan for program improvementsThe District Department of Transportation encourages the safe and efficient movement of people through public space. Increasingly new forms of mobility are entering the public space. DDOT is tasked with the responsibility of regulating the public right-of-way and encouraging more efficient ways of traversing the city.
Government Parking Requirement:
DDOT is installing bike and scooter corrals across the District. The off-sidewalk parking corrals are available for both private vehicles and shared dockless vehicles. Beginning in February 2020, DDOT will install off-sidewalk parking corrals across all eight wards. Residents on impacted blocks will receive notice from DDOT approximately one week before the corrals are installed. Residents can submit a request for off-sidewalk parking corrals here.
Equity Requirements:
Required: low-income customer plan that waives any applicable vehicle deposit and offers an affordable cash payment option and unlimited trips under 30 minutes to any customer with an income level at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines; affordable cash payment option, marketing campaign at its own cost in Equity Emphasis Areas to promote the use of dockless sharing vehicles particularly among low-income residents
Required: operational plan with DDOT, including, at a minimum: a. Hours and days of operation, and any limitations thereon. b. Communication methods for educating users about safe operations and proper parking. c. Procedures for ensuring that the vehicle fleet is safe for use and well-maintained. d. Procedures for responding to extreme weather events and special events. e. Procedures for responding to complaints. f. Procedures for ensuring availability of dockless vehicles in each Ward. Ensure customer data privacy, and not share any personal data of customers who use their mobility services with third parties (e.g. advertisers, investors etc.).
Encouraged: multilingual website with languages identified in the District of Columbia Language Access Act of 2004; provide a free helmet to customers upon request within 20 business days of the request
Data Specification Requirements:
GPS Required? Yes
Data Requirements:
Required: publicly accessible application program interface, clearly posted on the company’s website that shows, at minimum, the current location of any dockless vehicles available for rental at all times, in compliance with GBFS. Private API with appropriate authentication for DDOT shall be made available that follows the same format of GBFS version 1.0 and produces the extra endpoint called `all_bike_status.json`. This describes both vehicles that are stationary and those that are in use or on an active ride.
Monthly report within 5 business days of the end of the month with: Aggregated user data, Aggregated vehicle data, Aggregated trip data, Records of waypoints from on-trip vehicles, summary report, safety report, parking report.
Public data reporting URL: See data reporting website