Cityway is a Software Engineering company specializing in Transit Technology including advanced information systems for passengers: Intermodal Trip Planning, Microtransit Technology Platform, Mobility Data Management tools. Our mission is to provide seamless integrated mobility solutions for all.
Cityway operates in the USA, Canada, France, Germany and Australia.
Where does Cityway USA operate?
Cityway operates globally.
How does Cityway USA provide accessible adaptive equipment for persons with disabilities?
Trip Planner Integrating all the Accessibility Assets of the Transit Offer (e.g. accessibility status of stations/stops/routes/itineraries) for full accessible trip calculation (ie. Our Microtransit Technology Platform integrates the profile of the Passengers (ADA, Regular, Senior), and the accessibility assets of the vehicles used to dynamically adapt the service: allows commingling trips, switching to stop to stop to door to door to ease the passengers riding experience). The applications and solutions we deploy are all ADA/WCAG/W3C compliant to give access to all public to the same, qualified, information.
How does Cityway USA make its products or services equitable?
Cityway works with public and private partners, communities and players to integrate all mobility solutions existing in an area to present all mobility alternatives to all public and underserved communities. Car+transit, Carpool+transit, Personal bike + transit, Microtransit + Fixed Route - combing all existing modes and presenting a reliable information is one major step in providing equitable mobility and serve all communities.
Media and Case Studies
Transdev & Cityway brings improved mobility services to the New Orleans area
"Thanks to the solution provided by Cityway, customers can book one or more trips in advance up to the night before their trip without having to call customer service during office hours. They can choose their pick-up/drop-off location anywhere in the RPTA service area. The system provides customers with real-time information and notifications to confirm their bookings; informs them that their ride is approaching for pick-up; gives them information on the live position of the vehicle on the map; and real-time estimated time of arrival."