5 minutes Date Enacted: Mar 1, 2017 Dates given are approximate.
In partnership with Trilium and Cambridge Systematics, the Vermont Agency of Transportation has developed a state-wide trip planning online application, which – by using GTFS-flex data – provides results that include more flexible mobility options such as dial-a-ride, hail-a-ride and deviated fixed-service. As a result, travelers can have a better picture of all their transportation options when planning a trip; in particular, non-traditional rural transit system users, including people with disabilities, will have access to universal transit information, thereby improving mobility. The online platform was developed as a pilot project within the US Department of Transportation MOD Sandbox 1.0 program. A more in-depth case study of this project is available here.
For more information see the FTA Mobility On Demand Sandbox.
Contributed through a partnership between the Shared-Use Mobility Center, ITS America and the Federal Transit Administration’s Mobility on Demand Program.
Updated July 2019