20 mph
Operating Area Types:All applicants should begin their initial phase with service, at a minimum, in the entire Core Area. Subsequent phases may expand to Outer Areas. The Distribution Guidelines also identify percent coverage targets and minimum thresholds. Authorization for subsequent phase expansions will depend on meeting these metrics, along with an overall trips/bike/day target
Areas Where Operation is Prohibited:ISO 4210
Application requires: two sample bicycles provided to SFMTA to verify meets required standards. All bikes to require: functioning brake, red reflector or light on rear, automatic lights, unique identifier, integrated lock-to capabilities, on-board GPS. E-bikes max of 750 watts, max 20mph.Maximum fleet permitted within jurisdiction: 12,000
12,000 bikes entire city; 320 bikes needed to cover the required core service area.
Required: at least 33% of Operator’s Fleet be electric bike.
Permittees to maintain more than a 50% deployment of their total permitted fleet size. On a daily basis, the SFMTA will calculate bicycle deployment as the total number of bicycles in the entire service area, multiplied by the number of minutes they are available for hire or inuse, divided by the total number of bicycles permitted, across the hours of 6:00 am to 10 pm.
Type | Amount | Frequency |
Application | USD$ 4,947 | |
Per Vehicle | N/A | |
Operating Permit | USD$ 35,288 | Annually |
A non-refundable permit application fee of $4,947, due at the time of application. A separate annual permit fee of $35,288 due at the time of permit issuance. A public property repair and maintenance endowment totaling twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), payable in installments annual installments of $2,500 per year for ten consecutive years, with the first payment due at the time of permit issuance.
Payment Method Requirements:
Permittee will employ an electronic payment system that is compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). Each transaction shall include the bicycle identification number corresponding to the make and model of the bicycle registered with the SFMTA. Permittee application must include cash payment options and waiver of deposit.
Fare Regulation:
In permit application, operators must provide a detailed description of pricing structure including the following: low-income and any other discounted customer plans, along with corresponding participant qualification requirements, including strategy for having one low income plan member for every 5 bikes authorized; membership options and rates including for providing an unlimited number of trips; under thirty minutes, or other equivalent programs; cash payment options and waiver of deposit; per trip pricing options; variable rates based on trip duration to prioritize short term trips and maximize; fleet availability as to differentiate with long term rentals; billing and customer service business rules for lost bicycles
Connection to Other Government Goals:
Program goals: 1. Make bikeshare a citywide transportation option. 2. Make bikeshare a reliable transportation option for trips outside of regular commute times and patterns; 3. Make bikeshare a regular transportation option in communities of concern that have been historically underserved with travel mode options; and, 4. Establish practices that incorporate metrics to allow for the SFMTA to dynamically regulate and actively manage operators in order to establish bikeshare as a reliable transportation option, while minimizing negative impacts like unnecessary clutter of bicycles.
Government Parking Requirement:
Parking permitted at public bicycle rack or as required by the SFMTA. Permittee shall pay a fee of $150 to cover the cost of one standard SFMTA bicycle rack for every two bicycles
Equity Requirements:
Required: one year low-income customer plan that waives any applicable bicycle deposit and offers an affordable cash payment option and unlimited trips under 30 minutes to any customer with an income level at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Permittee will target having one low-income plan member for every 5 bikes authorized under this Permit.
Permittee will maintain a multilingual website with languages determined by the SFMTA, call center, and mobile application customer interface that is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. A requirement for at least 20% of stations to be located in low-income communities promotes equitable distribution of service. And the Bikeshare for All subsidized membership program makes membership accessible to low-come individuals. Anyone who qualifies for a Muni Lifeline Pass, Calfresh or PG&E’s CARE utility program can sign up for the one-time $5 annual affordability membership. Cash payment is accepted, so a credit card is not required, and the Bikeshare for All membership includes trips up to a full hour without redocking. After the first year, low-income members pay $5 per month.
Required: Operator’s name and contact information must be visibly displayed on all Stationless Shared Bicycles; maintain a multilingual website with languages determined by the SFMTA, call center, and mobile application customer interface that is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; application to describe how information about proper parking will be conveyed to users on the mobile application and/or on the bicycles, including detailed educational tools and reminders
Data Specification Requirements:
GPS Required? Yes
Data Requirements:
Required: provide API key to the SFMTA and shall not refer the City to another subsidiary or parent company representative for API access. Permittee shall provide the required data feed (detailed in Appendix, includes record of collisions, record of maintenance, annual customer survey, monthly aggregate customer data report). Permittee shall maintain the required feed of the specified data at all times while the Stationless Shared Bicycle is providing service to customers within the City. Appendix: https://www.sfmta.com/sites/default/files/reports-and-documents/2019/05/appendix_a_-_stationless_data_feed_requirements.pdf
Public data reporting:
Permittee shall comply with the SFMTA’s Real-time data requirements for stationless emerging mobility services and maintain a continuous feed of the required data at all times for bicycles made available to customers.