Operating Area Types:
- No cycling on footpath;
- Following traffic signs and road marking on cycle track;
No person shall park a vehicle on any road on which there is a system of street lighting furnished by means of lamps not more than 200m apart other than in a parking place. Operators should make use of Information Technology to avoid obstruction because of their bicycles being temporarily left in pre-designated non-stopping areas such as fire escapes, vehicles assess points, school entrances, etc
National Standard
1. Operators must ensure that their bicycles comply with the requirements stipulated in the Road Traffic (Construction and Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations (Cap 374A). Details are listed out at Clause 10.4 of this Code.Operators should limit their number of bicycles deployed on public streets and areas to not more than the maximum number of daily trips 2 in the last 30 consecutive calendar days
Minimum Operating Requirements:
2 per day; Operators should limit their number of bicycles deployed on public streets and areas to not more than the maximum number of daily trips 2 in the last 30 consecutive calendar days
Connection to Other Government Goals:
The Government’s transport policy is to promote the use of public transport and to reduce reliance on private cars. At the same time, the Government endeavours to foster a “bicycle-friendly” environment in new towns and new development areas in Hong Kong; promote cycling as a green mode for short-distance commuting where road safety permits and practicable; promote walking and cycling as “first mile” and “last mile” connection between public transport stations and living places or offices, thereby minimising the need for mechanised transport and reducing vehicle emissions.
Operators should make sure each of the bicycles has an individually identifiable number to enable their customers, members of general public and the Government Officers to easily report any damaged or unsafe or malfunctioned bicycles.
Operators should provide 24-hour communication channels to ensure that the Operators can be notified of the situations mentioned in Section 4.5 of this Code as soon as possible. These channels should include a telephone hotline and/or other communication channels via mobile phone application. These communication channels shall be clearly shown on the Operators’ website, mobile applications and bicycles. During business hours, customer enquiries and complaints should be directly answered by the Operators’ staff. On the other hand, a phone menu
should be available for recording enquiries and complaints outside business hours, when the enquiries and complaints were not answered by the Operators’ staff directly. Such enquiries and complaints shall be followed up promptly on the following day.
Operators should publish a complaints handling procedure in English and Chinese which should be clearly shown on their company website and mobile applications. The procedure should include, but not limited to, the following:
• Detail the process including contact details for making a complaint;
• Pledge a timeframe which the Operator will endeavor to resolve the complaint, including the timeframe to notify the complainant about the progress or status of the complaint.
Operators should clearly list out the terms and conditions in English and Chinese for using their bicycles, via their websites and mobile applications. They should be easily accessible by customers for acceptance and :
• To guide customers on the appropriate use of bicycles, including where bicycles can and cannot be parked;
• Emphasize the key elements including parking restrictions, incentive schemes for adhering to good bicycle parking practices and penalties for non-compliance;
Provide general advice on Operators’ mobile applications and websites to promote safe and lawful cycling in Hong Kong. This should include, but not limited to, guidance on:
- No cycling on footpath;
- Following traffic signs and road marking on cycle track;
- Parking at non-designated bicycle parking space on public street with
street lighting system provided is unlawful;
- Cycling recklessly or carelessly is unlawful;
- Safe cycling tips.
Provide information for “frequently asked questions” on Operators’ websites and mobile applications;
Operators should facilitate their customers to return their bicycles at designated bicycle parking places by all necessary means, including, but not limited to, introducing parking restrictions, incentive schemes for good bicycle parking practices and penalties for non-compliance etc.
Data Specification Requirements:
GPS Required? Yes
Data Requirements:
1. Operators should share with the Government the necessary operation data, including but not limited to, fleet size, distribution, and anonymised trip data in GIS format or any other format as agreed for monitoring and analysis purposes. No personal data would be collected by the Government. The raw data as provided by individual Operator shall be kept strictly confidential by the Government.
Hence, the Government would not share individual Operator’s data to other Operators. However, in public interest the Government may publish the statistical results by processing and analysing the raw data.
2. The Government may, at its discretion, share with the Operators spatial information of public cycling facilities and other unrestricted information to facilitate the Operators to improve their services. The Operators must not share nor release the information from the Government to other parties without the prior permission of the Government.
3. Operators must share data/information with the Police and other law enforcement authorities if bicycles are suspected of being illegally used.