6 mph
Operating Area Types:
Entire city; Additional Opportunity Areas/City Core designated:
The map provided is intended to be a resource to operators and guide placement of vehicles and painted parking zones. The map includes:
1. The “City Core” area where dockless painted parking zones will be placed at certain locations by permitted operators
2. “Opportunity areas” where dockless vehicles participating in the pilot incentive program will be required to locate
3. “High priority opportunity areas” are called out as a subset of the Opportunity areas simply to provide information to operators where the greatest number of vulnerable populations may be centered. The opportunity area incentive will be met if dockless vehicles are kept anywhere within the indicated “opportunity” or “high priority opportunity” area indicated on the map: https://www.denvergov.org/content/dam/denvergov/Portals/705/documents/permits/Opportunity-Areas-Dockless-Mobility.pdf
Prohibited areas: the 16th Street Mall for all bicycles/e-bicycles and e-scooters/other dockless mobility vehicles. Motorized vehicles including e-bicycles and e-scooters are also not permitted to utilize Parks maintained trails and e-scooters are not permitted to enter or be parked on park land.
Dockless vehicles parked in the public right of way at transit and bus stops by users or operator staff must follow the following guidelines:
1. Do not block the movements of pedestrians and always provide 5’ clear width
2. Park against buildings (not impeding pedestrian access) or at least 1.5’ from the back of curb/flowline
Preserve pedestrian sight triangles at intersections, alleys, and driveways as well as to bus/LRT operations at stops
4. Vehicles should be upright when parked
5. Vehicles shall not impede access to utilities, or access from the street to the sidewalk
6. At least 8 feet of clear walkway shall be provided for all sidewalks on arterial streets
7. Additional clear width may be required in high pedestrian areas, as determined by DPW
8. Follow all Tier 1 Encroachment guidelines for placement and access
Painted Dockless Parking Zone Requirements. Painted dockless parking zones will be required to be installed and maintained by permitted operators.
The number of zones required will be determined by DPW up to a rate of one zone per ten permitted fleet vehicles (e.g. an operator applies for a permit to introduce 500 dockless bikes, DPW can require the operator to install and maintain up to 50 painted dockless parking zones). Full specifications on these painted dockless parking zones will be provided to approved pilot program applicants. Final dimensions will depend on location context but should generally provide an area of 10’ x 6’.
Approved applicants will be able to preference painted dockless parking zone locations but DPW will ultimately provide assignments as well as timelines for installation.
Painted dockless parking zones will be assigned to a company for maintenance responsibilities but will be agnostic in terms of which permitted operator’s vehicles can park there. Parking zones will be open to accommodate dockless bikes, e-bikes, and e-scooters that are permitted for this program. Permitted operators will be required to highlight all bus stop and station parking areas in their respective app/mobile/desktop platforms as well as geofence those locations to track parking
behavior/compliance of users.
The intent of the Pilot Program is to enhance the use of transit and bus service throughout the city. As such, vehicles are to be readily available at transit and bus stops in the public right of way (considered to be within 25’ of the posted RTD sign or monument unless a designated parking zone is present). This intention must be repeatedly made clear to a permitted operator’s users. Beginning/end points are not required to be in painted dockless parking zones (see next section), but if a painted zone is available at the transit and bus stop, the vehicle should be parked inside that zone. For all other transit and bus stops, the vehicles must be parked in a manner that allows clear travel in the right of way and does not impede the boarding or departure of transit users per the requirements of the TAP program, Section IIIA.
In addition, DPW expects operators to “rebalance” vehicles to transit and bus stops throughout the day with a reset back to transit and bus stops by the beginning of each day – no later than 7am.
Maximum fleet permitted within jurisdiction: 1,250
Maximum fleet permitted per provider: 250
A total of 5 operators will be permitted for the pilot program. Each permitted operator will initially be allowed up to 250 dockless vehicles (escooters/other approved dockless mobility vehicles) Each permitted operator will have the option to increase this initial fleet size to 350 dockless vehicles if 100 of that total fleet size are committed to stay in designated “opportunity areas.”
Type | Amount | Frequency |
Application | USD$ 150 | |
Per Vehicle | USD$ 30 | Annually |
Operating Permit | USD$ 15,000 | Annually |
Payment Method Requirements:
Required: electronic payment system that is compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards; plan outlining how their services will be available to those without smart phones or those who are under-banked or un-banked.
Connection to Other Government Goals:
The pilot program will allow the City to explore new ways of providing flexible, affordable, and accessible multi-modal transportation options for all and assess whether these new options help achieve the City’s stated mobility goals including a reduction of single-occupant vehicle commute trips from 73% to 50% by 2030.
Safe Infrastructure Requirements:
Permitted operators will be expected to participate in regular meetings with DPW staff during the pilot period. During the initial 90-day period, these meetings may be required as frequently as one per week. The meetings will discuss topics such as operations, usage, fleet size, community concerns, safety concerns and data reviews.
Government Parking Requirement:
No Ride and No Parking zones will be designated by the City and communicated to permitted operators at the launch of the program or at any time determined appropriate by DPW.
Equity Requirements:
Required: plan outlining how services available to those without smart phones or those who are under-banked or un-banked; rate structures that will be offered to all users including daily, monthly, or annual passes/subscriptions, including any discount programs offered that will be available for students, youth, low income/at-risk populations, corporate groups or other categories.
“Opportunity areas” are designated areas where dockless vehicles participating in the pilot incentive program will be required to locate. “High priority opportunity areas” are called out as a subset of the Opportunity areas simply to provide information to operators where the greatest number of vulnerable populations may be centered. The opportunity area incentive will be met if dockless vehicles are kept anywhere within the indicated “opportunity” or “high priority opportunity” area indicated on the map
Vehicles will need to be individually numbered or otherwise have a unique identifier that is clearly visible to the user, the public, or City representatives.
Operators will be required to print and affix their own stickers to each vehicle registered identifying the vehicle as an approved/permitted participant in the Denver Dockless Mobility Pilot Program.
Each permitted operator will be responsible for surveying users via their individual app/mobile platforms or via e-mail at three-month intervals during the duration of the one-year pilot. Survey questions will be developed in coordination with DPW and certain questions will be required.
Permitted operators will be required to provide DPW with the parking education content designed for users as well as the plan for regularly reinforcing that information.
Each permit holder will be required to establish a privacy policy that safeguards user information
Operators will also be required to provide easily visible contact information including a toll-free phone number and e-mail address on each vehicle so that users or other members of the public can report issues or make relocation requests.
Data Specification Requirements:
GPS Required? Yes
Data Requirements:
Monthly reports required including:
1. Utilization rates
2. Total downloads, active users & repeat user information
3. Total trips by day of week, time of day
4. Origins & destination information for all trips
5. Trips per bike by day of week, time of day
6. Average trip distance
7. Trips originating in or destined for designated opportunity areas
8. Parking compliance at designated zones and at transit and bus stops
9. Incidents of bike theft and vandalism
10. Vehicle maintenance reports
11. Complaints
12. Number of users participating in discount programs disaggregated by program type (low income, students, etc.)
13. Accident/crash information
14. Payment method information
Public data reporting:
Each permit holder will be responsible for providing real-time data feeds via API and monthly reports to the City and County of Denver displaying trip information