20 km/h
Scooters must be limited to a maximum speed of 20 km / h. That limitation must be accredited to the GCBA at the time of making the proposal.
Operating Area Types:Operating area: 38 km2
Areas Where Operation is Prohibited:https://documentosboletinoficial.buenosaires.gob.ar/publico/PE-RES-MDUYTGC-SECTRANS-310-19-ANX.pdf
The scooters cannot be parked on sidewalks that are less than one meter and fifty centimeters (1.50 m). The scooters must be parked on the sidewalks as long as their location guarantees that seventy percent (70%) of the width of the road is cleared. The scooters must be parked correctly in the places allowed for this purpose, either in the Virtual Stations, in space
authorized on sidewalks or where authorized by the Application Authority
National Standard
The proponent must submit documentation that certifies the technical characteristics of the electric scooter fleet that make up its proposal, which will be evaluated on the sample that will be submitted. In order to be an Authorized Operator, the following requirements must be complied with. :Maximum fleet permitted within jurisdiction: 4,000
The minimum amount of scooters that interested parties must propose in order to provide the service and be authorized is set at 250. Likewise, the maximum amount of four thousand (4,000) electric skateboards that can be used for the provision of the shared use service is established without prejudice to the number of bidders participating and / or what they have in their proposals.
Minimum Operating Requirements:
Type | Amount | Frequency |
Application | ||
Per Vehicle | ARS$ 350 (USD$ 2) | Monthly |
Operating Permit | N/A |
The Authorized Operator must pay a monthly fee for the provision of the service. For the determination of the amount to be paid, the monthly unit value relative to the provision of the service for each scooter will be taken as the basis of calculation, which will be of THREE HUNDRED WEIGHT ($ 350), multiplied by the maximum number of skateboards that have been authorized by the GCABA to the company to operate. The unit value of each scooter may be updated in accordance with what arises from the new technical-economic analyzes carried out for this purpose, which shall be duly notified to the Authorized Operator in due time.
Connection to Other Government Goals:
Secretary of Transportation, coordinate programs and works that ensure healthy, pedestrian, non-motorized and electric mobility in the City. In this context it was that the incorporation of new alternatives and modes of transport in the City has been favored in recent years through various initiatives that discourage the use of the car and encourage a healthier life and mobility.
Safe Infrastructure Requirements:
Within said plan, it must be determined in what form, places and under what conditions the users will be authorized to park the electric scooters, having to detail the sanctions, incentives and / or disincentives for the users regarding the way of parking the scooters. You must have a means of contact and customer service that works at least during the hours of operation of the service. This service channel should be able to receive complaints or queries about the provision of the service, reports of units with failures, that suggestions can be made and traffic accidents reported. The service staff to the users of the service will be obliged to provide information and assistance by telephone and through any of the following means of contact: application for mobile devices, social networks, and / or website. Road Safety: Within the application / computer system through which the service is provided, the systems must have a visible language that, prior to using the skateboard, notifies the user that:
i. The use of helmet is mandatory.
ii. You must yield to pedestrians.
iii.It should drive preferentially along bike lanes, cycle lanes and / or
bicisendas and respect the traffic rules.
iv. Sidewalk circulation is prohibited.
v. The minimum age to circulate is 16 years.
saw. The speed limit of skateboards will be 20 km.
vii. Users must circulate without any companion.
viii The scooters must be parked correctly in the places allowed for this purpose, either in the Virtual Stations, in space
authorized on sidewalks or where authorized by the Application Authority.
viii It must comply with the provisions of Law No. 6,164
Data Specification Requirements:
GPS Required? Yes
Data Requirements:
Documentation proving that the exchange of data with the government will be carried out through an API that meets the requirements of GBFS and MDS.
Authorized Operators must submit a monthly report to the Application Authority that includes the following aspects:
i. Number of registered users at the end of the month, by sex
ii. Number of users who used the service three times or more in the month, by sex
iii. Number of users according to the number of trips they made in the month, by sex
iv. Number of subscriptions distinguishing income schemes (daily, weekly, monthly, annual), by sex
b. General Trips
i. Total trips per day, by sex
ii. Average duration and distance of journeys during the week, by sex
iii. Average duration and distance of journeys during the weekend, by sex
c. Travel and temporality i. Trips made per day ii. Units in operation per day
iii. Average distribution of trips by day of the week and time
d. Fleet
i. Total number of units that operated each day of the month
ii. Total number of units in maintenance each day of the month
iii. Total number of units out of service each day of the month
and. Traffic incidents
i. Date (dd / mm / yyyy)
ii. Time
iii. Location (coordinates)
iv. Type of event: - Run over (collision with pedestrians). - Collision (with a motor vehicle, with a cyclist, with an animal, with a fixed object, with a railroad or with a motorcyclist) - Fall
(for reasons attributable to the user, for unit failures) - Other (specify)
F. Complaints and complaints
i. Number of complaints by type (service availability, security, maintenance,
attention to users and communication, application and web platform, unauthorized parking, other to specify)
ii. Complaint Attention Report
g. Theft or theft
i. Report of theft or theft of units with a copy of the act record.
Public data reporting:
The Authorized Operators, from the first day they provide the service, will have a tool or platform to visualize in real time on a map all the scooters and their status at that time (in travel, available for use, battery percentage, maintenance required , etc.). All this must be available on the platform in real time. This tool should continue to be provided even after sending the API in GBFS and MDS format.