20 km/h
Maximum speed de 20 km/h.
Operating Area Types:
It is forbidden to drive on platforms, parks, gardens, antejardines, hard areas or intended for pedestrian traffic, as well as preferential bus or Metroplús lanes. The minimum age to drive scooter, skateboard or electric skateboard vehicles must be 16 years, children under 16 can use them outside the traffic areas in private spaces closed to traffic, under the responsibility of their parents or guardians.
Wear buckled and tight helmet. The helmet must comply with the specifications established in technical standard NTC 5239 of May 31, 2004.
Minimum Operating Requirements:
Connection to Other Government Goals:
Safe Infrastructure Requirements:
For the operation of scooter, skateboard or electric skateboard vehicles in the public space of the city, related to its parking, it is essential that companies dedicated to the lease of this type of vehicles articulate with the municipal administration offices, responsible for authorize and control the occupation of public space, in this case, the administrative planning department, the undersecretary of public space and the agency for landscape management, heritage and public-private partnerships.
Data Specification Requirements:
GPS Required? Yes