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Segway Discovery


Phone: 6032226203


Segway Commercial’s goal is to help entrepreneurs, corporations, and universities launch their own micro-mobility operations. We want to make shared micro-mobility simpler and more accessible to all.

Our industry-leading scooters, ebikes, mopeds, and robots are explicitly designed to meet our customer's unique demands.

With teams in Europe, the United States, and Asia, we stand ready to help you launch your own shared fleet, just as we did with the industry’s pioneers.

Segway Commercial is part of Segway Ninebot, a global leader in micro-mobility solutions.

Where does Segway Discovery operate?

How does Segway Discovery provide accessible adaptive equipment for persons with disabilities?

AI supported vehicles can detect sidewalks and automatically slow down or make a warning signal to inform the rider that the are on the wrong path.

Moving electric vehicles tend to be quiet.

With Segway's AVAS system, the vehicle will make a continuous sound while moving . This system will help pedestrians, cyclists and people with disabilities.

We can also add seats to the scooters.

How does Segway Discovery make its products or services equitable?

This is usually the responsibility of the operators.

Media and Case Studies
