5 minutes Date Launched: May 1, 2019 Dates given are approximate. Pilot Project Timeframe: 26 weeks
Ford GoBike, the incumbent bikeshare program operated by Motivate in the Bay Area partnered with the City of Oakland, California, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and the Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP) to launch an adaptive bikeshare program for users with disabilities.
Adaptive equipment includes supportive pedals, seats and straps, and hand pedals for quad level SCI riders.The program will have the five adaptive bikes available in Oakland.
BORP will fit users to and will provide rider training. There is no charge for people with disabilities, and users without a credit card can register online through the Bike Share for All Program. BORP is building an online reservation system, but for now, the bikes are available on 30 minutes notice via phone or email reservation. BORP’s webpage includes additional features and a FAQ section.
Updated June 2019