5 minutes Date Enacted: Jan 1, 2014
MassRIDES of MassDOT provides many commuter incentive programs, including Emergency Rides Home (ERH), and NuRide. MassRIDES promotes and incentivizes alternative transportation options to SOV’s, including vanpooling, carpooling, biking, walking etc.
NuRide is the nation’s largest reward system for commuters who utilize green transportation options, with over 25,000 commuters enrolled (as of 12/15/2014). For more information go to: http://massdot.state.ma.us/main/tabid/1085/ctl/detail/mid/2937/itemid/457/MassDOT-Provides-Assistance-to-Encourage-http://massdot.state.ma.us/main/tabid/1085/ctl/detail/mid/2937/itemid/457/MassDOT-Provides-Assistance-to-Encourage-Vanpool-Trips.aspx
Emergency Rides Home (ERH) is “commuter insurance” for commuters who carpooling and vanpool, as well as take other forms of alternative transportation. Program participants are awarded up to $400 in free rides if a qualified unexpected emergency arises. For more information see: http://commute.com/documents/07-ERH-Guidelines.pdf