MTC Resolution 3434 Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Policy for Regional Transit Expansion Projects
5 minutes Date Enacted: Jul 27, 2005
This TOD policy addresses multiple goals: improving the cost- effectiveness of regional investments in new transit expansions, easing the Bay Area’s chronic housing shortage, creating vibrant new communities, and helping preserve regional open space. The policy ensures that transportation agencies, local jurisdictions, members of the public and the private sector work together to create development patterns that are more supportive of transit. Effective 7/27/2005. Citation: Resolution #3434
Key Definitions
Defines Corridor Thresholds Housing Units-Average per Station Area. Each transit extension project funded in Resolution 3434 must plan for a minimum number of housing units along the corridor. These corridor-level thresholds vary by mode of transit, with more capital-intensive modes requiring higher numbers of housing units. The corridor thresholds have been devel- oped based on potential for increased transit ridership, exemplary existing station sites in the Bay Area, local general plan data, pre- dicted market demand for TOD-oriented housing in each county, and an independent analysis of feasible development potential in each transit corridor.