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A picture of Seattle's RapidRide hybrid electric bus and public transit ORCA card

Transportation Benefit District Proposal to Aid in Equitable COVID-19 Recovery, Seattle, WA, 2020

Seattle, Washington Mayor Jenny Durkan signed Council Bill 119833 on July 31st which will maintain the Seattle Transportation Benefit District (STBD) sales tax of 0.1%. This increase is anticipated to generate between $20 and $30 million annually in revenue ...

Transportation Demand and Trip Reduction Measures, Westlake Village, California, 2005

Prior to occupancy of any development project, the developer shall provide, at a minimum, the transportation demand management and trip reduction measures required by this Chapter. Originally introduced: 4/14/93; 3/9/2005. Citation: Chapter 9.37

Transportation Demand and Trip Reduction, Sierra Madre, California, 2013

Creates a congestion management program, related to trip reduction and travel demand measures. Citation: Chapter 17.80

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Ordinance, Buffalo, New York, 2016

The Buffalo Parking TDM Ordinance is a section of the Buffalo's Overall Development Ordinance, also known as The Buffalo Green Code. The TDM Ordinance mandates which types of projects will require TDM plans and what those plans must contain, including ...

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plans for Development, Oregon, 2013

The guide outlines one mechanism to incorporate programmatic TDM strategies in the land use review process: requiring applicants to prepare a TDM Plan that details how the applicant (and subsequent owners and/or tenants) will accomplish measures to reduce ...

Waterfront walkway in Vancouver leading to new midrise and highrise developments

Transportation Demand Management Measures, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 2018

The ambitious Greenest City Action Plan (2011), which set a goal for Vancouver to become the city with the lowest environmental impact in the world, and the Transportation 2040 plan, both saw a city that growing in population and tied their land use and ...

Transportation Demand Management Plan of Atlanta PLAN 2040

The Atlanta Regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan is a long-range plan that will define a strategic framework for developing and integrating TDM strategies into planning, project development and system operations investment decision-making. ...

Transportation Demand Management Program, Santa Barbara County, California, 2013

E stablish, fund and support a jointly administered regional program to: Reduce traffic congestion, air pollution and parking demand and improve the quality of life by regulating the percentage of commuters in the region who drive alone to or from work ...

Transportation Demand Management Requirements, Tustin, California, 1991

The purpose of this chapter is to meet the requirements of State law for development of a trip reduction and travel demand element as part of the City's Congestion Management Program and adoption and implementation of a trip reduction and travel demand ordinance.

Transportation Demand Management Zoning Ordinance, San Jose, California, 2013

An Ordinance of the City of San Jose Amending Title 20 of the San Jose Municipal Code (The Zoning Ordinance) The proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance (Title 20) would allow certain types of land uses and development that are located near transit ...

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