5 minutes Date Launched: May 17, 2018
Social Bicycles (SoBi) has partnered with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) and the cities of Davis, Sacramento, and West Sacramento to launch an electric bikeshare program in the Sacramento region. Through this program, 300 JUMP bikes are now available (190 in Sacramento, 60 in Davis, and 50 in West Sacramento respectively) and 600 additional bikes will be added this summer, making this the largest pedal-assist bikeshare in North America. JUMP bikes are operated by SoBi and can be borrowed through the JUMP app for a per-trip rate of $1 for the first 15 minutes and ¢7 for each additional minute. Monthly membership, student membership, and membership for low-income users are also available.
Contributed through a partnership between the Shared-Use Mobility Center, ITS America and the Federal Transit Administration’s Mobility on Demand Program.
Updated June 2018