FHWA Global Benchmarking Program Report
In pursuit of a better understanding of the shared mobility approaches used in Europe, the FHWA undertook a study to identify and assess effective European practices for establishing, supporting, and regulating shared mobility services that could be applied in the United States to improve accessibility and mobility. The study focused on three main topics:
- Incubating new shared mobility innovations. This area focuses on European public-private partnerships forged to conceive, develop, test, and deploy new shared mobility solutions that fill important service and system gaps.
- Sustaining and growing the scale and scope of specific shared mobility programs to meet expanding mobility needs and population demands, particularly with respect to innovative carsharing, ridesharing, and bikesharing applications. This includes European developments in peer-to-peer carsharing, electric one-way carsharing, electric-bicycle sharing, and ride-splitting with shared taxis and microtransit that are more advanced than U.S. practices in terms of technology, delivery-to-scale, and government support.
- Successful integration of shared mobility services with other existing public transport services, in areas such as on-demand services, first mile/last mile services, fare payment, and information/ data sharing. This area includes European approaches to shared mobility and on-demand strategies, especially for the integration of these strategies with traditional fixed-route public transport and paratransit services. The intent was both to examine individual shared-mobility elements like carshare and bikeshare and to investigate the holistic approach taken by European cities to integrating these services with existing public transportation systems. The study was particularly focused on investigating the broad range of mobility on-demand initiatives to better understand the role of public agencies in integrating shared mobility and public transport.
Download the full report here: Shared Use Mobility: European Experience and Lessons Learned.
Excerpt Downloaded the Report
The Shared-Use Mobility Center worked with the Federal Highway Administration and Leidos to study and report how European cities and agencies have planned, implemented and supported shared mobility services to create multimodal mobility options in sustainable communities. The report features principal findings in key areas, case studies, and recommendations for how the US can adapt these practices to advance the benefits of shared mobility at home.
Reviewed September 5, 2023