5 minutes Date Enacted: Jan 1, 2016
Why is TriMet focusing on the safety and quality of places to walk? Because every transit rider is a pedestrian.* Whether walking on foot or rolling in a wheelchair, all transit riders depend on being able to get to and from a stop safely and comfortably. Thus, the quality of the local pedestrian network is often a deciding factor when a person is considering whether to take transit. It can determine whether someone wants, or is able, to take the bus or train.
As the region’s primary transit service provider, TriMet is committed to working with local, regional, state, and federal partners to make the region a more livable place. The interplay between walking and taking transit is fundamental to livability. The Pedestrian Network Analysis Project provides TriMet and its partners a way to objectively assess areas of its service district for needs and opportunities, communicate priorities, and eventually work with partners to program investments that provide better pedestrian access to transit stops.
Specifically, the pedestrian network analysis objectives are fivefold:
TriMet anticipates infrastructure investment resulting from this project will serve two purposes: to allow more people to access transit in a safe, comfortable, and attractive environment; and to encourage more localized, short walking trips. To help track progress and measure results once implementation occurs, the project proposes three performance targets:
Excerpt sourced from report.