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Table: 8 Trends in Rural Transportation Demands; Victoria Transport Policy Initiative, Rural Multimodel Report, 2019

Publication Date: Jul 31, 2019

Source: VTPI, 2019 June. Rural Multimodal Planning. 

Trend Explanation Impact on Multi-Modal Demand
Isolation Rural non-drivers experience social and economic isolation, particularly as rural services consolidate Rural non-drivers need independent mobility options to participate in social and economic opportunities, and avoid imposing chauffeuring burdens
Population aging & disability Many rural areas are experiencing population aging and high disability rates Many residents want to age in place, which requires mobility options for older and disabled people
High transportation costs Many rural households spend more than they can afford on motor vehicles Many rural residents want affordable mobility options, including public transit services suitable for commuting, shopping and socializing
Poverty Many rural areas have high poverty rates Many rural residents want improved walking, cycling and public transit options
Changing travel preferences Many residents, particularly youths, want alternatives to driving Many rural residents want improved walking, cycling and public transit options
High traffic fatality rates Rural areas have high traffic death rates, and many traffic safety programs depend on some travelers’ ability to reduce their driving Improving travel options, particularly for youths, people with disabilities, and law-abiding drinkers can help increase traffic safety
Poor public fitness & health Many rural residents are sedentary and overweight, and suffer associated health problems including diabetes and heart diseases Improving and encouraging active modes (walking and cycling) is an effective strategy for improving public fitness and health
Economic opportunity & development Many rural areas want to improve education and employment opportunities, and support local industries Improving travel options increases economic opportunity and development by providing access to schools and jobs, and by supporting industries such as tourism and retirement services