5 minutes Date Launched: Mar 1, 2018 Dates given are approximate. Pilot Project Timeframe: 18 months
As a recipient of the FTA’s Rides to Wellness Demonstration and Innovation Coordinated Access and Mobility Grants, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) is working to develop a software interface that will seek to improve connections between medical scheduling services and public transit schedules. The aim is to collect data regarding improved health outcomes and decreased healthcare costs that arise from linking medical appointments with transit and mobility options.
JTA received $400,000 from the FTA in March 2018, and the 18-month pilot is scheduled to release a final report in winter 2020. JTA is working with the University of Florida Health, Cambridge Systematics, Smart Transit, and the Health Planning Council to develop and deploy the pilot. Once launched, the software will generate transit travel times and costs for healthcare receptionists and patients to inform them of options when choosing appointments.
More on the JTA’s Rides to Wellness program can be found here.