5 minutes Date Launched: Sep 1, 2017 Date Ended: Mar 1, 2019 Dates given are approximate. Pilot Project Timeframe: 18 months
The Michigan DOT – in collaboration with non-profit Michigan Transportation Connection, Michigan Public Transit Association, MassTrans, the Community Transportation Association of America & area health centers – was awarded over $1 million from the FTA as part of the federal Rides to Wellness Demonstration and Innovation Coordinated Access and Mobility grants. The grant is intended to fund an 18-month project to expand a non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) brokerage system available in part of the state to be available statewide.
The project, titled the Michigan Access to Wellness (MATW) Project, will develop software and incorporate non-profit and private transportation providers’ offerings to route calls and requests for transportation-related services. Each of the 10 counties in the state will have their own Mobility Management Center (MMC) that will coordinate trips based on location and visit type. Individual health centers will incorporate the software and direct clients on how to use the service. NEMT is particularly important for older adults, people with low incomes, and people with disabilities, who often face greater barriers to accessing non-emergency healthcare.
Some established performance metrics (measured per region) include: