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Bike Share Approval Ordinance, 2014

Approves a bike share program and directs the procurement office to enter into and agreement with Bicycle Transit Systems. Citation: Ordinance #14044900

Bike Share Business and Implementation Plan, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2016

The City of Baton Rouge, following a September 2015 report from the EPA’s Office of Sustainable Communities (OSC)--or the Smart Growth Office--commissioned a business and implementation plan for a phased bikesharing system. The plan covers these ...

Bike Share Concept Report

In July 2011, the Metro Board passed a motion requiring the Planning Department to prepare a report that discusses opportunities for launching a bike share program in Los Angeles County; the roles and responsibilities of Metro, local jurisdictions and ...

Bike Share Opportunities in New York City, 2009

This report analyzes existing bike-share models and current New York City bicyclist demographics and demand to assess the potential for a New York City Bike-Share Program.  In addition, an overview of potential funding options and recommendations ...

Bike Share RFP, Indiana Council of Governments and Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2016

The Indian Nation Council of Governments (INCOG) released a solicitation to select a contractor to procure, launch, and operate a bike share system in Tulsa. Respondents were encouraged to respond with creative ideas that would create a system that would ...

Bike Share System Launch, Baltimore, Maryland, 2016

Baltimore entered into a contract with Bewegen Technologies to design and install the bike share stations as well as operate the service. The original system will have 20 stations and 150 bikes wtih plans to expand to 50 stations and 465 bikes, with around ...

Bike Share System, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2016

The City of Las Vegas launched a bike share system with 21 stations and 180 bikes. The system is 95% paid for by a CMAQ grant from the Nevada Department of Transportation. The other 5% is covered by funds from the Regional Transportation Commission ...

Bike Sharing Annual Report, Denver, Colorado, 2014

A Denver B-cycle 2014 annual report.

Bike Sharing Guide, Canada, 2009

This guide is intended to help planners and decision makers determine whether public bicycle sharing is viable in their community and, if so, how to design, implement, and operate a successful system. The material  presented in this guide is drawn ...

Bikeable Design: A toolkit for Bike-Friendly Development, Los Angeles

The Bikeable Design Toolkit is a guide on how to implement effective bicycle facilities and amenities into private development and ultimately create a more bicycle-friendly city. The toolkit supplements the vision and requirements laid out by the City ...

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