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Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law, Washington State, 1991

Beginning in 1991 and continuing in 2006, the State of Washington passed legislation (the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law and CTR Efficiency Act, respectively) to address traffic congestion, air pollution, and petroleum fuel consumption. The law, as ...

Commute Trip Reduction Ordinance, Tumwater, Washington, 2010

The purpose of this chapter is to establish CTR program requirements for affected employers within the city of Tumwater. These requirements will promote alternative commute modes and reduce the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per employee and the proportion ...

Commute Trip Reduction Ordinance, Union Gap, Washington, 1998

This local ordinance implements a Commute Trip Reduction plan, as mandated by the State of Washington (linked below). Citation: Chapter 9.52

Commute Trip Reduction Program, Durham, North Carolina, 2003

Creates a voluntary commute trip reduction program.

Commute Trip Reduction, Snohomish County, WA

Implement the county's strategy for CTR, including the reduction of VMTs and proportion of SOVs, by collaborating with employers at major worksites to increase the use of alternative modes of transportation by employees. Enacted, 1993-2003. Citation: Chapter 32.40

Commute Trip Reduction, Spokane County, Washington

Implements CTR plan. Citation: Chapter 46.80 Transportation Demand Management, San Mateo County, California, 2014

Formed in 2014, is a joint powers authority that coordinated the transportation demand management (TDM) efforts for San Mateo County, California. It's largest efforts are the so-called "tech buses," or commuter shuttles that serve employees ...

Commuter Shuttle Policy and Pilot Program, San Francisco, California, 2014

Regulation creating 18 month pilot program for up approximately 200 private commuter shuttles in San Francisco to share stops with public transit buses. The Commuter Shuttle Policy was updated in January 2017. Updated April 2018

Complete Streets and Bicycle Ordinance, Philadelphia, 2012

Establishes a Complete Streets policy wherein all City departments and agencies shall, in connection with all transportation and development projects: Give full consideration to accommodation of the safety and convenience of all users of the transportation ...

Complete Streets and Transportation Plan Executive Order, Houston, Texas, 2013

This Executive Order directs City efforts to develop a Complete Streets and Transportation Plan (HCSTP) while recongnizing that complete streets are achieved over time through single projects, new and redevelopment, and through a series of incremental ...

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