5 minutes Date Enacted: Aug 8, 2018
Nice Ride Minnesota was created by a partnership initiated by the City of Minneapolis and operates a docked bikeshare system throughout the Twin Cities and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus “as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization until July of 2018 when it was acquired by Motivate.” The attached plan outlines Nice Ride’s plan to use dockless bikes “to fill-in gaps in station coverage while growing the system’s overall footprint and expanding equitable access” thorughout the service area. This is prompted in part by the lower density as shown in a cited article from Quartz, cited above.
The plan includes renderings of the proposed virtual stations in various contexts, as well as standard dimentions. Most of the plan concerns site selection (for placement and balancing) and the public engagement and GIS methods used to achieve the plan.
Updated August 2018