In 2016, SUMC partnered with regional stakeholders to develop the LA Regional Shared Mobility Action Plan. The Action Plan established a goal for removing 100,000 vehicles from the region’s roads by 2021 and identified associated strategies, actions, ...
Project Goals
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Improve mobility for persons with disabilities
Mobility for persons with disabilities will be improved due to the new microtransit ...
Project Goals
Evaluation Hypothesis
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Improve social equity through an inclusive planning process
The community will feel included in the decision process of the microtransit ...
Project Goals
Evaluation Hypothesis
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Improve first last mile connectivity
User behavior shows greater use of connecting modes through measured activity.
Number of unlinked ...
[caption id="attachment_8623" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Source: Divvy[/caption]
For both transit agencies implementing bikeshares and operators managing the systems, the goal of such a system is to establish an affordable, financially-sustainable ...
Project Goals
Evaluation Hypothesis
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Reduce SOV miles travelled and greenhouse gas emissions from travel
The implementation of the microtransit pilot will lower VMT and ...
The Mobility Learning Center uses a variety of sources and data to highlight the state of shared mobility and transportation trends in the most populous 25 metropolitan areas in the United States. These data are discussed across the following categories ...
Developed with input from numerous regional stakeholders, SUMC’s Shared Mobility Action Plan for Los Angeles County is designed to help the region capitalize on its expanding public transportation network and address ongoing challenges related to greenhouse ...
SUMC completed a research analysis for the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) based on information generated as part of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 188: Shared Mobility and ...
To complement its Shared Mobility Toolkit, SUMC developed an interactive shared mobility toolkit for cities. Working in partnership with 27 North American cities through the Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN). SUMC launched an innovative toolkit ...