5 minutes Date Launched: Oct 13, 2020 Pilot Project Timeframe: Date added to the Learning Center.
FlexDanmark is a nationwide software company owned by five regional public transport agencies that specifically supports and optimizes the IT for FlexTrafik. Flextrafik is an innovative demand driven transportation network that excels at transporting older adults, people with disabilities, and rural residents. FlexTrafik has several services including FlexPatient, FlexMunicipality, FlexHandicap, FlexRoute, and FlexTur with which customers may share rides in the same vehicles. Customer satisfaction and efficiency are some of their main goals with this system, scheduling more than 5.7 million trips per year and averaging on time performance of 95%, which means buses arrive no later than 15 minutes past their scheduled arrival or departure time. This system is in part made possible through Denmark’s requirement of transportation for those with disabilities and for people going to the hospital, understanding that access to transportation is a key piece to quality healthcare. FlexTrafik does not own any operators, rather they connect and leverage more than 550 transportation providers using an algorithm that dispatches vehicles when they are needed. AARP’s Office of Policy, Research and International Affairs visited Denmark to experience the FlexDanmark transportation system; their full article can be found here.