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Bicycle Access, Facilities, and Safety, District of Columbia, 2011

Policies and regulations to encourage bicycling and integrate bicycle and pedestrian planning in the design of District roads; Provide and maintain a safe, and comprehensive bicycle network connecting neighborhoods and employment locations. Increase bicycle ...

Bicycle Commuting Report, 2017

The League of American Bicyclists "Where We Ride" report compiles and presents the data on the bicycle trips to work as found in the 2016 American Community Survey data. While it found an average increase in bicycle communiting nationwide, when disaggregated, ...

Bicycle Friendly Community Feedback Report, Fort Collins, 2013

Fort Collins staff and local stakeholders have been working diligently for years to create an even better Bicycle Friendly Community. Reviewers provided key recommendations to further promote bicycling in Fort Collins and a menu of additional pro-cycling ...

Bicycle Incentive, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2009

The minimum automobile parking requirement for each non-residential use may be reduced ten percent or one space, whichever is greater, where bicycle parking spaces are provided equal to twenty-five percent of the number of required automobile spaces specified ...

Bicycle infrastructure and traffic congestion: Evidence from DC’s Capital Bikeshare, Washington, DC, 2016

This study explores the impact of bikeshare infrastructure on congestion in an urban environment. The impact on helping to reduce traffic congestion as a result of the Capital Bikeshare were studied and it was found that the dock-based bikeshare system ...

Bicycle Master Plan Update, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2015

The City of Victoria is currently working to update the Bicycle Master Plan. Victoria's first ever Bicycle Master Plan was created in 1995 and has guided the developemnt of the cycling infrastructure since then. The updated Bicycle Master Plan will ...

Bicycle Master Plan, Austin, Texas, 2011

The plan proposes implementing elements of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan by creating a connected and protected active transportation network that will provide additional transportation options for Austin residents and visitors. The plan’s ...

Bicycle Master Plan, Seattle, Washington, 2007

Seattle’s Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) identifies projects and programs to be implemented over the next 20 years, to meet the vision of making riding a bike a comfortable and integral part of daily life in Seattle for people of all ages and abilities.Overview ...

Bicycle Master Plan, Washington, District of Columbia, 2015

Bicycling makes Washington, DC one of the most livable cities in the country. The District’s population density, interconnected grid of streets, and renowned park system have long contributed to a favorable environment for bicycling. The Bicycle ...

Bicycle Network Development program, New York City

The goal of the Department of City Planning, New York City Department of Transportation, and the Department of Parks and Recreation Bicycle Network Development program is to reduce congestion by promoting cycling in New York City. The central objectives ...

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