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Federal Requirement for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles on Fixed-Route Systems, US (ADA 1990), 2011

Below is the CFR text, enacted by the ADA, that requires that vehicles procured for service on fixed route systems must be wheelchair accessible.  §37.71   Purchase or lease of new non-rail vehicles by public entities operating ...

Federal Requirements for Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles in Demand Responsive Systems, US (ADA 1990), 2014

The Americans with Disability Act of 1990, as codified below, requires that demand responsive services meet the same levels of service with wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs), if inaccessible vehicles are used to provide any of the service.§37.77   Purchase ...

Federal Statute Establishing State Independent Living Councils (SILC), United States, 1992

The attached 1992 federal statute established Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILC) in accordance to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, As Amended, and related provisions. The 56 SILCs are responsible, in collaboration with the 403 Centers for ...

Image of person holding a FedEx package at a Nuro vehicle

FedEx and Nuro Partner to Explore Autonomous Last-Mile Delivery, Houston, TX, 2021

FedEx and Nuro, an autonomous vehicle (AV) and robotics company, have started a new partnership where they will test last-mile delivery solutions in certain areas of Houston. Through this pilot, FedEx will explore how it can use Nuros’ vehicles to try ...

Map of 11 Texas counties served by pilot program

Feonix-Mobility Rising pilot program for seniors in rural counties, TX, 2019

Feonix-Mobility Rising, a non-profit focusing on improving mobility options for under-served and vulnerable populations, is working with the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living and the Area Agency on Aging to provide mobility options to the elderly ...

FHWA Public-Private Partnership (P3) Toolkit, 2016

This toolkit, assembled by the Federal Highway Admistration, includes fact sheets (an overview of the whole tookit is attached, below); links to more detailed publications on each step, from pre-procurement through implementation; analytical resources, ...

Final Policy Statement on the Eligibility of Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Under Federal Transit Law, United States, 2011

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has established a formal policy on the eligibility of pedestrian and bicycle improvements for FTA funding, and defines the catchment areas for pedestrians (one half mile radius) and bicyclists (three mile radius) ...

First Last Mile Strategic Plan and Planning Guidelines, Los Angeles, 2014

In 2012, the Metro Board adopted the Countywide Sustainability Planning Policy and Implementation Plan and the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) Joint Work Program, both of which direct the development of a First ...

First Mile Last Mile partnership; Phoenix Public Transit Department and Lyft, Phoenix, Arizona, 2017

The Phoenix Public Transit Department and Lyft have partnered to launch the First Mile Last Mile campaign, a six month pilot program aimed at facilitating commuter access to local bus lines. Through this program Lyft is providing service, as of October ...

First Mile/Last Mile Transportation Strategic Plan, Richmond, California, 2017

Richmond is a commuter suburb in the East Bay area of the San Francisco metropolitan area. This memo outlines with brief entries each of the modes that can be used for a first/last mile connection to transit; some of the enabling systems and policies--such ...

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