5 minutes Date Launched: Sep 16, 2016 Dates given are approximate.
In celebration of 10,000 rides taken during their initial pilot, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) announced that the partnership between their paratransit program, The RIDE, and ride-share companies Uber and Lyft is being expanded. While the initial pilot was open to 400 customers, as of March 1st, the pilot is now open to all eligible users of The Ride. It is anticipated that expanding the pilot will save both time and money for travelers with disabilities, as well as lower expenses for MBTA – as on-demand trips in the initial pilot were found to be both faster and cheaper than traditional paratransit service options. On-demand RIDE trips will cost customers $2, with MBTA subsidizing the next $13, and additional costs are assumed by the customer.
For more information see MBTA and Mass.Gov
Contributed through a partnership between the Shared-Use Mobility Center, ITS America, and the Federal Transit Administration’s Mobility on Demand Program