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Greenworks Philadelphia, 2009

Greenworks Philadelphia is a plan which sets 15 sustainability targets in the areas of energy, environment, equity, economy, and engagement to make Philadelphia the greenest city in America by 2015. Overview excerpt sourced from City of Philadelphia ...

Growth Transportation Efficiency Centers (GTEC) program, Washington State, 2008

A WSDOT-funded grant program that seeks to expand the mandatory CTR program for large employers to other work destinations:  "Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is collaborating with local governments, transit agencies, and businesses ...

GSA to Test Commercial Car Sharing as New Federal Fleet Solution, Washington, DC

Following the lead of popular low-cost commercial car-sharing ventures, GSA is actively pursuing similar initiatives to help federal agencies reduce costs, improve efficiency, and optimize vehicle use.  In pursuit of these initiatives, GSA issued an ...

Guaranteed Ride Home, Alameda County, California, 2015

In its current incarnation, pre-registered users can use an array of options--including TNCs and car share--for up to 6 emergency trips, per annum.  Updated September 2017

Guide to Sustainable Transportation Performance Measures, US Environmental Protection Agency, 2011

From the Executive Summary: This guidebook describes 12 performance measures that can readily be applied in transportation decision-making. The document focuses on transportation decision-making at the regional or metropolitan level, although many ...

Guide to the San Francisco Better Streets Plan, 2010

The Plan provides a unified set of policies and guidelines for the design of the pedestrian realm in San Francisco, defined as the areas of the street where people walk, shop, sit, play, or interact -  outside of moving vehicles. The Plan seeks to ...

NACTO Report Cover Regulating Shared Micromobility

Guidelines for Regulating Shared Micromobility, Version 2, NACTO, 2019

Bikeshare and Scootershare saw 84 million trips in 2018, with 38.5 million of those trips from e-scooters.  This growth has outpaced attempts by cities to manage and regulate this new shared mode. In an effort to fill this gap, in September 2019 the ...

Guiding Principles for Emerging Mobility Services and Technologies, San Francisco, CA, 2017

The guiding principals, as co-published by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority (SFMTA) and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA)--the municipal and county agencies for San Francisco, respectively--are used as a framework ...

H-GAC 2040 Regional Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan, Houston, 2015

The Regional Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan is a long-range planning document that describes our region’s vision for enhancing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure within the eight-county Transportation Management Area (TMA). It supports the 2040 ...

Report Cover: The Future of Car Sharing: Electric, Affordable, and Community-Centered

Hacienda CDC Peer-to-Peer EV Carshare Pilot, Portland, Oregon, 2017

Drive Oregon (now Forth), Hacienda Community Development Corporation, Pacific Power, and the CarCharging Group are working together, with support from the Meyer Memorial Trust and the Schmidt Family Foundation, to pilot the first ever peer-to-peer electric ...

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