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An Ordinance Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Regarding Car-sharing Programs

An ordinance relating to land use and zoning, adding a new subsection to SMC 23.54.020 to allow required accessory parking spaces to be leased to City-recognized car-sharing programs Parking for City-recognized car-sharing programs. One space or up ...

An Ordinance relating to Seattle’s Complete Streets policy, Seattle, Washington, 2007

An ordinance relating to Seattle's Complete Streets policy, stating guiding principles and practices so that transportation improvements are planned, designed and constructed to encourage walking, bicycling and transit use.

An ordinance relating to the definition, permits&licenses and operating requirements of the Low-speed shuttles and school vehicles.

Regulations governing low-speed shuttles and school vehicles in Houston. Passed 12/19/ 2012, Adopted 08/06/2014. Citation: Ord. No. 2014-754

An Ordinance Relating to the Traffic Code of the Seattle Municipal Code to Expand Free-Floating Car Sharing

An Ordinance relating to the Traffic Code of the Seattle Municipal Code, amending sections 11.23.150 and 11.23.160 to expand the free-floating car sharing pilot program to allow a greater number of free-floating car sharing operators and vehicles and ...

An Ordinance Relating to Vehicles for Hire and General Schedule of Fees, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2014

An ordinance relating to vehicles for hire and general schedule of fees, amending chapter 56 of the Oklahoma City Municipal Code, 2010, Title of Chapter 56 Vehicles for hireRideshare companies must be licensed as TNCs. Drivers must receive permits from ...

An Ordinance to Amend the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlanta by Creating a New Section Titled “Bike Sharing”, 2014

An Ordinance by City Utilities Committee to amend the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlanta by creating a new section titled "Bike Sharing" in Article II Entitled Encroachments" Authorizes the use of public property and right-of-way for a bike ...

An Ordinance to Create a Pilot Program for Transportation Network Companies in Seattle, Washington, 2014

An ordinance relating to companies and drivers of a new type of for-hire vehicle in order to create a pilot program for transportation network companies and affiliated drivers and vehicles: establishing minimum operating requirements for transportation ...

An Ordinance to Modify Definitions of “Limousine” & “Pre-Arranged Contractual Carrier,” Jacksonville, Florida, 2013

Changes regulations controlling vehicles for hire. Removes requirement that black car services book riders at least a half hour in advance. New regulations requiring: the creation of an online database of permitted owners and drivers; insurance and permits; ...

Ann Arbor Recommended Vision & Policy Framework for Downtown Development Strategies Project 2007

The plan, prepared in 2005 by Calthorpe Associates and Strategic Economics, recommended that the City of Ann Arbor create a comprehensive Downtown Parking Strategy.  This strategy would assess the supply of existing parking spaces and the future ...

Application of Yellow Cab Company of Pittsburgh relating to Transportation Network Companies, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2014

Application of Yellow Cab Company of Pittsburgh, Inc., t/a Yellow X, for the additional right to begin transport, by motor vehicle, persons in the experimental service of Transportation Network Service for passenger trips originating or terminating within ...

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