5 minutes Date Enacted: Dec 6, 2021 Date Ended: Feb 11, 2022
The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) has released a request for expressions of interest (RFEI) for Trenton MOVES (Mobility & Opportunity: Vehicles Equity System), an autonomous transit program in the state’s capital city. This initiatives’ other key partners include the Governor’s Office, the City of Trenton, and Princeton University. The RFEI expresses a plan to deploy 100 on-demand autonomous vehicles (AVs) across the small city. Each shuttle will carry four to eight passengers at a time, with discounted fares available to users in underserved neighborhoods. Trenton MOVES will go through a planning and testing phase before fully deploying. AVs will have attendants on board for safety purposes during the programs’ testing and launch phases.
Trenton MOVES appears to be an effort to bolster commerce, safety, and mobility equity for Trenton residents and visitors. 70% of Trenton households have limited or no access to an automobile. The AVs can also encourage state workers to visit local restaurants and businesses and assist other customers with the first- and last-miles on their transportation journeys. New Jersey prides Trenton MOVES as the largest AV-based transit project yet in the United States. Depending on how this project proceeds, Trenton MOVES can serve as a model for procurement and implementing a large AV project. Trenton MOVES can also demonstrate how AVs can play a role in promoting transportation safety and equity.
Last updated January 3, 2022