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Multi-town Dockless Bike Sharing Program, Boston Area, Massachusetts, 2017

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), the Boston-area MPO, which in 2011 established a docked bikeshare system in the denser core, is soliciting proposals for dockless bikesharing for a implementation in the summer of 2018. So far, 16 municipalities--Arlington, ...

Multimodal Transportation Education Initiative, Santa Monica, California, 2016

The City of Santa Monica, California has launched an initiaitve to educate its citizens about the available multimodal transportation options available to them. Using a combination of mobile apps, ambassador programs and neighborhood events, the initiative ...

Municipal Code Regulating Vehicles for Hire, Atlanta, Georgia, 2014

Regulations governing vehicles for hire including insurance and license. Citation: Chapter 162 Regulations governing vehicles for hire including insurance and license. Citation: Chapter 162

NACTO Policy Statement on Automated Vehicles, 2016

NACTO's statement identifies safety, sharing, electrification, community-centered design, multimodalism, support for public transit, and equity as guiding standards for shaping automated vehicle policy. The statement then goes into detail about the principles ...

NACTO Bikeshare Systems, 2017

NACTO Study on Bikeshare in 2017

The National Association of City Transportation Officials' (NACTO) report, Bike Share in the U.S.: 2017, offers a snapshot of the mode, which saw 35 million trips in 2017, according to their count. The report looks at more specific usage patterns, as ...

NATCO visual rendering of street with AVs deployed

NACTO, Blueprint for Autonomous Urbanism, Second Edition, 2019

In September 2019, The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) released the second edition of its Blueprint for Autonomous Urbanism. The first edition was published in 2017, and it laid out the landscape for automated vehicle policy ...

Digital rendering of autonomous vehicles on highway

National autonomous vehicle standards, Singapore, 2019

In February 2019, Singapore's Land Transport Authority published its provisional national standards to guide the development and deployment of fully autonomous vehicles. These standards, referred to as Technical Reference 68, regulate vehicle behavior, ...

National Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Policy, Finland, 2018

Finland's national parliament recently passed the Act on Transportation Services, which sets open data requirements for both public and private transportation providers, including all shared modes, taxis, and car rental operators. Likewise, departments ...

SUMC, Shared Mobility Summit 2018 Logo

National Shared Mobility Summit, 2018

The 2018 National Shared Use Mobility Summit featured an unprecedented number of attendees and speakers. Even if you missed out on the panels, workshops, Start-up Spotlight, expo, and networking, you can still enjoy the plenary sessions, which were ...

Photo of CTA 22 Bus

National Transit Institute Releases Training on Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators, 2021

The National Transit Institute (NTI), in partnership with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), is offering a short online video course titled “Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators”. Intended for transit operators, road supervisors, ...

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